Saturday, March 30, 2013

Five Inspiring Marriage Equality Quotes by Celebrities

A huge part of living cruelty free involves regarding each human being in an entirely mutual and equal respect. This means that we should all be able to enjoy the exact same privileges and rights as any other. There is absolutely no reason for any person to be excluded or stripped of the rights that another person or group shares. Period. Discrimination in this day and age (especially in our country which celebrates freedom) is simply embarrassing. 

Social media sites have become such a great outlet for online users to take a stand against issues in unison and for individuals to make their voices heard. I am so very proud of the overwhelming support that has been demonstrated this past week with the popularity of the Human Rights Campaign (which took very little time to go viral). The now iconic red and pink equality symbol represents a national demand for equal marriage rights.

I present this issue simply as such: love is a feeling, it is far from a definition. No one person or group can claim love or keep it as their own. Love has been given to us to share, if we are lucky enough to get to experience it. If any one amongst us has found love, who is anyone else to try to take it way? Or minimize, belittle, or try to refrain it? 

We are all people, we are all sisters and brothers, and we are all sinners. When judged, we should be judged as a whole humanity. We should not be judged by the groups we have broken ourselves down into based on our own comfort levels and preference of commonality. 

In light of this week's Prop 8 consideration, here are five inspiring marriage equality quotes by celebrities as reported by the Huffington Post:

  • "It is each American's constitutional right to marry the person they love, no matter what state they inhabit. No state should decide who can marry and who cannot. Thanks to the tireless work of so many, someday soon this discrimination will end and every American will be able to enjoy their equal right to marriage." -Brad Pitt

  • "I am who I am because of the people who influenced me growing up, and many of them were gay. No one has any right to tell anyone what makes a family." -Drew Barrymore

  • "I think it's a very basic human-rights issue. Everybody has the right to marry the person they love and be represented as a couple and family. ... It's something that people will look back on in years to come and say, 'I can't believe it took so long for us to recognize this.' It'll be like segregation and giving women the right to vote." -Julianne Moore

  • "I think that it is a good time for those who voted for the ban against gay marriage to sit and reflect and anticipate their great shame and the shame in their grandchildren's eyes if they continue that way of support. We've got to have equal rights for everyone." -Sean Penn

  • "...We're people and we're different, all of us. And we should be using our differences to bring ourselves closer together. You know? Not be afraid of something that we don't know. ... It's unfortunate that things take a while to progress like this, but it was a great, great victory for equality. I'm proud New York has the balls to stand up for what's right." -Justin Timberlake [on New York legalizing gay marriage]

Like some of these celebrities (and so many others nationally and world-wide), I believe that this effort is one that will be surprising, in retrospect, to future generations. As expressed, this simply boils down to human rights, the same as any other human rights movement we have ever faced together as a country. Let's take another step toward total equality.   

I would ask those of you who might be struggling with this change to please consider this: It is argued that homosexuality is a perversion and a sin. I do not (at this time, but will address in future posts) want to get into the many ways that heterosexuals can also be perverted/sinful in their acts, but we are certainly not talking about an exclusively sexual relationship in this matter. The "sin" at question here is two people loving each other so truly and so wholly that they want to commit the rest of their lives to each other. The "sin" is two people who love each other and have committed to each other, and who are asking the same exact rights as their peers enjoy (peers who have made the very same promises to their partners). 

To all of the many other celebrities and others who have supported this much needed cause, I applaud you! Let's please continue to use our voices to create change in this beautiful world we share with one another. 

Here are some other great resources to check out: 

Lastly, click here to find out what the HRC is doing to fight for equality in your state/community and/or to find ways you can participate. 

In living cruelty free, 


Thursday, March 28, 2013

For Emma (Locks of Love)

In honor of my little cousin's 20th birthday (which would have been yesterday), I would like to focus on a great cause that has been created for young cancer patients like her. Locks of Love is an organization that accepts hair donations exclusively for patients under the age of 21 who have lost their hair due to the continued treatment of a long-term medical condition. 

My cousin Emma eventually lost all of her hair while receiving chemotherapy treatments when she was in elementary school. This beautiful, brave little girl was attempting to conquer all of her schooling while fighting a horrible disease. She went to her classes every day with a bright smile and thinning hair, battling a disease that no child should ever have to face. 

Last fall, I decided to donate over twelve inches of my hair to Locks of Love in memory of darling little Emma. While I easily could have sold my hair, in my heart I am so grateful to know that more than one child (due to the length/thickness of my hair) has benefited from my donation. When I was considering the donation, a friend of mine who had donated to Locks of Love before reminded me what a difference it could make for a little boy or girl to be able to go to school with hair. 

In a world of pain, being a tiny bit more confident in front of his or her peers is one less thing that child would need to worry about. I am so grateful for that advice, as it truly put things into perspective for me. I realized that I can grow my hair out as many times as I want, but that little boy or girl (unfortunately) may have a very limited time to be able to benefit from my donation. 

I could not be happier that I decided to donate and I am constantly reminded of that decision. I often wonder and think about the children who are currently in possession of/wearing my hair right now, and it puts a smile on my face every time it crosses my mind. (I really wish I could see photos of these children with my hair!) Every time I look in the mirror and wish my hair was longer, I think about Emma and am so happy for the small contribution I was able to make in her honor. 

Thank you for taking the time to read about Emma and the Locks of Love organization. You can do your part by donating (hair or financially) to this awesome cause. 

"Every child is beautiful. You can help them feel beautiful by helping Locks of Love." Great Clips offers free haircuts to customers donating hair! If you are interested in donating your hair, here are Guidelines for Acceptable Hair Donations via Locks of Love

  • Hair that is colored or permed is acceptable. 
  • Hair cut years ago is usable if it has been stored in a ponytail or braid. 
  • Hair that has been bleached (usually this refers to highlighted hair) is not usable. If unsure, ask your stylist. We are not able to accept bleached hair due to a chemical reaction that occurs during the manufacturing process. **If the hair was bleached years ago and has completely grown out it is fine to donate. 
  • Hair that is swept off of the floor is not usable because it is not bundled in a ponytail or braid. 
  • Hair that is shaved off and not in a ponytail or braid is not usable. If shaving your head, first divide hair into multiple ponytails to cut off. 
  • We cannot accept dreadlocks. Our manufacturer is not able to use them in our children's hairpieces. We also cannot accept wigs, falls, hair extensions or synthetic hair. 
  • Layered hair is acceptable if the longest layer is 10 inches. 
  • Layered hair may be pulled straight to measure the minimum 10 inches. 
  • 10 inches measured tip to tip is minimum length needed for a hairpiece.
Find a Great Clips location near you here.

In memory of sweet little Emma, 


Thursday, March 14, 2013

Get Green

This planet is all of ours to share. In order to protect it (and, by extension, in order to promote cruelty free living), we must all pitch in and do our part. Here are some of the very both simple and effortless ways that you can go green and participate within your own community and/or home.

Reuse Grocery Bags 

Paper or plastic, grocery bags are extremely overused and are a huge waste of environmental space. These bags generally end up as street litter, in water (which can, of course, harm fish and other animals), or in landfills. Decomposition of these materials can take a century or more to occur. We can all opt to reuse our own grocery bags while shopping to help cut down on these problems. 

If you are accustomed to using disposable bags and can't seem to get on board with the idea of utilizing reusable ones, I would encourage you to save your paper/plastic shopping bags for other home usage before trashing them. Find great ideas for reusing plastic bags here

(Additional tip: If you send your child to school with a lunch from home, make sure he/she is using a reusable lunch bag/box instead of brown paper bags. Be sure to do the same if you bring a meal to work!)

Pick Up Trash

Yes, it is a nasty job, but someone has to do it! This is a great way to get your kids to acknowledge and appreciate the idea of protecting the earth. Get a group together and pick up garbage around your neighborhood or in a local park or forest district. This task is guaranteed to give you a great sense of self, while setting a great example for others (especially children). You should always emphasize to little ones what an effect each individual can have on the environment. 

Save From Home 

Oh, your parents didn't own the electric company either? Fortunately, there are many easy ways to go green without even leaving your home. (Dad: please continue reading for proof that these are lessons learned!)

It is so easy to start making a difference from home. If we are all a little more conscious of the ways in which we use energy and water we can collectively make a huge difference. The following tips will not just help save the environment, but will also save you money. Read on and save up!

One of the simplest energy savers to get in the habit of is being sure to turn out the lights when you are leaving a room. If you don't need the light, don't leave it on! 

If you can adjust your memory to remember to turn off unnecessary lighting, you should try to do the same with appliances that aren't in use. Items such as toasters, blenders, lamps, hair dryers/flat irons, cell phone chargers, and stereos/speakers only need to be plugged in while in use. It can be hard to get in the habit of unplugging electronics all the time, but especially if you are leaving the house or will be gone for an extended period of time (weekend trip, vacation, etc.), you should always remember to unplug your appliances back at home. 

I am sure you are aware of one of the most obvious ways to save water: take shorter showers. You can save huge amounts of water by cutting even a minute or two off your shower time. It really is as simple as that!

If you tend to take long showers, there are other ways to conserve water at home. When doing laundry, try to avoid washing one single item or very small loads of clothes. The water and energy it takes to wash/dry is not worth wasting on just a couple of items. If you live alone, wait until you have a larger load of clothes to wash before doing laundry. If you live with others, combine laundry when possible. This is a small effort that can make a huge difference! 

Here are some great water conservation ideas that take very little effort to observe. 

Carry a Reusable Water Bottle (...and use it!)

Sure, the convenience of buying bottled water at the checkout counter while on-the-go is always tempting, but bringing your own reusable water bottle/container with you as you go about your day has more benefits than you might think. 

First of all, the amount of plastic that goes into making bottled water is completely unnecessary! Many people do not recycle, so these plastic bottles wind up sitting in landfills of garbage for a ridiculous amount of time. 

Forget the coffee and soda! If you don't drink water on a regular basis, you probably don't realize how refreshing and energizing it actually is.  Keeping a reusable water bottle on you will encourage you to drink more water automatically. Check out the benefits of getting your daily dose of H2O here.

Also keep in mind that bottled water is expensive. Filtered water is so easily accessible these days and you can keep hydrated by refilling your reusable bottle throughout your workday free of charge. (What could be better than benefitting your health, helping the environment, and saving money all at the same time?)

Aside from these ideas, please always try to recycle and avoid littering whenever possible. Here are some other awesome ideas to Green Up Your Community.

Thank you for joining me in protecting our world, 


Monday, March 11, 2013

Fighting Off Workplace Harassment

You need to feel completely comfortable in your place of work in order to perform your job at your highest potential. Although striving to project a professional persona should always be your main objective, it is also beneficial (and basically mandatory in these days of social networking) to maintain amicable relationships with co-workers and other professionals in your field. 

Cultivating friendly relationships with the people you interact with on a daily basis helps make your time at work go by faster, allows for smoother workplace encounters, and creates a positive energy (not to mention the benefits it will have on your career). However, it can be very easy to confuse what seems to be friendly conversation/behavior with what crosses the line as far as professionalism is concerned. 

Accordingly, it can be even more difficult to speak up when you become involved in awkward workplace situations. Because harassment can sneak up in many different ways, it is important to familiarize yourself with some of its most common forms so that you can be prepared for it and are ready to take action. 

Behavior You Should Absolutely Not Tolerate At Work: 

  • Suggestive commentary about your clothing, appearance, or relationship/marital status
  • Out of line nicknames or affectionate name-calling
  • Jokes of a sexual, sexist, racist, violent, homophobic, religious, or otherwise offensive nature 
  • Unwanted touching of any kind 
  • Threats to your safety/well-being, or other threatening comments of any kind (especially physical/emotional threats to you or your family and/or in regards to your professional reputation) 
  • Any type of behavior that might be perceived as stalker/obsessive behavior toward you (take note if any individual is giving you specific/unnecessary attention)
  • Any perceived levels of aggression, anger, or a short temper in a particular individual
  • Sexual advances, inappropriate gestures, or blackmail of any kind 
  • Differential treatment based on gender, race, or physical appearance  
  • Any promotion, benefit, advancement, or incentive offered in exchange for sexual (or other unfair) favors
  • Any instinctive feelings that you are being targeted (for any reason!)   
  • Any other behavior that might be considered harassment, otherwise offensive, or that makes you feel uncomfortable, unsafe, or offended in your place of work 

If Someone Is Making You Feel Uncomfortable

You should never have to worry about your comfort or safety in your place of work. Especially if this is the first time you have been harassed, it may be difficult to know if your situation calls for outside help. You should keep in mind, however, that if someone is making you feel uncomfortable in any way, you should speak up before the situation worsens. 

You should always respond to the harassment by letting your coworker know that you are not okay with his or her behavior. If you do not feel comfortable addressing this person directly, or if their verbal or physical harassment continues after you have confronted them, you need to inform your supervisor/management (and/or your company's Human Resources department, if available) of the situation right away. Harassment (sexual and otherwise) in the workplace is simply intolerable and will be responded to and reprimanded. 

Be Aware Of Your Own Level Of Professionalism 

Lastly, always be mindful and cautious of the way you project your own image to others. As pointed out, friendly behavior can easily be misconstrued as inappropriate behavior. You should feel free (and are encouraged) to bring your own personality into the workplace, but remember to keep all comments and jokes tasteful and completely non-offensive. 

If for any reason a co-worker has expressed discomfort in response to something you have said or done, you should apologize and make a mental note of the offense to avoid repeating it in the future.

We all have the right to a sense of safety. And as always, we are all responsible for one another. There are an infinite number of ways to promote cruelty free living. If you witness an act of human indecency, I encourage you to please step up: both for yourselves and each other. 


Saturday, March 9, 2013

Achoo! (How To Catch Kindness!)

There is a reason it is said that kindness is contagious. From giving up your seat on the train for an elderly person to holding a door for someone who has their hands full, there are many opportunities for simple acts of kindness in our everyday lives.

In crowded public places surrounded by strangers, it can become easy to feel frustrated and forget your manners. These types of environments, however, often create opportunities which invite random acts of kindness (aka the most selfless of good deeds).  

Stay Aware

If you see a child who seems to be separated from his/her guardian, do something. If someone has dropped an item and hasn't seemed to notice, say something. While there are many reasons to aim for a constant awareness of your surroundings, common courtesy in public places requires an awareness of not just your own agenda, but the agendas of those around you. It takes only a matter of seconds to take notice of your environment, but that extra glance may easily put you in a position where you are able to lend a hand to a stranger in need.  

Learn to be a Little More Patient 

Who likes running errands? Especially after a long day at work, we ideally would all like to complete these mundane tasks as quickly as possible. As much of a rush as you are in, however, you should always be aware/courteous of those around you.

A few days ago I was at a local convenient store when I noticed a woman struggling with a basket full of groceries, a puppy in one arm, and a little girl by her side. As she came up to the line, I asked if she would like to step in front of me. She seemed very surprised, and with wide eyes asked me if I was sure, considering I only had one item. I motioned for her to go ahead, and she very graciously thanked me after making her purchase.

While this only cost about two minutes of my day, I could tell how completely appreciative this stranger was that I offered that small amount of time to make her life a tiny bit easier. Based on her genuine gratitude, I would imagine (and hope) that she explained to the child she was with the importance of kindness after leaving that store.

Your Kindness Is Being Caught 

Again, kindness truly is contagious! Keep in mind, people generally do not expect strangers to step up and save their day. For this reason, random acts of kindness turn you into a mini-hero for that person. When someone goes out of their way to make you feel special, it is a natural reaction to want to share your story/situation with friends or loved ones. Social media sites, especially, have become a platform to instantly promote examples of kindness. Chances are, the stranger you helped will share their story with at least one person, snowballing your kindness and encouraging others to behave the same way.     

"We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit." -Aristotle 

By training your brain to become more aware of other people, kindness will eventually become more of a reaction than an effort. After all, cruelty free living begins with a very basic demand for common decency and courtesy. I encourage you to begin by becoming more aware of your surroundings, and challenge you to utilize that awareness in being courteous and kind to others. Good luck! 


Sunday, March 3, 2013

Ten Must-Try Vegetarian Recipes

Many people are simply accustomed to eating meat daily and cannot imagine practicing a strict vegetarian diet. The good news is: you don't have to give up meat entirely to do your part! Every veggie meal saves lives and promotes kind treatment toward animals. At the same time, cutting down on meat (especially red meat) has many proven health benefits.

Whether you are already a vegetarian, considering becoming one, or simply want healthier meal options for your family, meatless meals are a delicious way to go! Here is a collection of my top ten Pinterest vegetarian recipes: 

1) Browned Butter Gnocchi with Broccoli and Nuts
There is a reason this recipe is listed first: it is simply delicious! Also fast and kid-friendly. 

2) Spanish Tortillas

Yummy potato and egg omeletes (Bonus: less calories than most traditional recipes!)

3) Garden-Fresh Stir-Fry with Seitan

Veggies and meat lovers alike will love the taste of this awesome stir-fry.

4) Pasta with Greens, Chickpeas, and Olives 

This healthy and delicious pasta dish can be made with a number of different substitutions. Find some of the health benefits of chickpeas here.

5) Broccoli Cheese Squares 
These broccoli cheese squares have been a personal and family favorite for years! They are definitely a crowd pleaser and surprisingly easy to make. 

6) Caramelized Onion and White Bean Flatbread 

Who doesn't love pizza? Here is a creative and yummy flatbread alternative. 

7) Arugula, Mozzarella, Tomato on Focaccia
It's lunchtime! If you are a fan of caprese salad, you will definitely love this easy-to-make luncheon specialty. 

8) Roasted Parmesan Green Beans
Even if your child refuses to eat greens, I recommend trying this kid-friendly recipe.
(Speaking of which, here are some tips to get kids to eat their veggies.)

9) Corn Casserole

I had not tried this delish corn casserole until my aunt made it recently. Definite must! 

10) Grilled Goat Cheese Sandwiches with Fig and Honey 
Sammich twist! This recipe is a little different, but if you are brave enough to try it I highly recommend this lunchtime treat. 

Buon appetito! 


Friday, March 1, 2013

Five Ways To Bust Bully Behavior

Bullies are individuals or groups who attack the emotional, mental, and/or physical well-being of other(s). Victims of this behavior are often bombarded with feelings of worthlessness, hopelessness, fear, and anxiety. Bully behavior has gotten to a point where it is completely out of hand and needs to be stopped, as far too many recent cases have surfaced which have begun with bullying and have resulted in suicide. Survivors of bullying are often faced with irreversible emotional damage, major insecurities and paranoia disorder, and sometimes depression. One positive light surrounding the slew of tragic events we have seen involving this issue, however, is the drastic demand to put a stop to it. We are all responsible for protecting one another and for speaking up in situations where others, especially children, need help staying safe. 

1: School/Community Involvement 

When students do not feel comfortable and safe at school, it becomes impossible for them to learn at their highest potential. Schools need to continue to create programs that emphasize the horrifying reality of bullying. Students who have participated in bullying or have stood as silent bystanders need to become fully aware of the terrible and sometimes tragic consequences to their actions. At the same time, bully victims should be reminded and feel comfortable in knowing that they have an outlet available to them through peers and teachers, and that bullies should not and will not be tolerated. School programs can create unbelievable progress by changing the attitude and mentality of the student body as a whole. Here are two great campaigns for teacher awareness and involvement: 

United Federation of Teachers
Tools for Teachers 

2: Watch for Signs

Is there a child or adolescent in your life? Bullying does not just affect young children. High school and even college students also fall victim to this painful peer abuse. These students often feel embarrassed, ashamed, and confused as to why they are being targeted; it can become extremely difficult for them to discuss this very serious problem. For this reason, it is important to provide young people with a very strong support system. Whether you are a relative, neighbor, or friend, there is no shortage of support that can be beneficial and potentially life-saving. Regardless of your relationship with the child or young adult, it is important to recognize the signs of bully victims so that you can help prevent the further abuse of someone you care about. 

3: Monitor Internet Activity 

As parents, it is a challenge to find an appropriate balance between respecting your child's privacy and monitoring their online interactions to ensure their safety. Age appropriate guidelines should always be set in households with minors accessing the internet. (Side-note: I am shocked by the number of parents I have spoken with who were unaware of online security measures that must be taken for children. Here are some of Google's basic safety tools for keeping your kids protected on the web.) The internet has become a faceless way for bullies to torture victims. By setting time limits/frames for internet usage, it may be easier to detect if your child seems particularly distraught after spending time online. 

4: Stay Positive! (Be the example your child wants to follow)

Children and adolescents are faced with many different types of pressures and stresses at a point in their lives when they are trying to discover who they are and what they want out of life. Bullies tend to have an overwhelming success in tearing down feelings of hope, positivity, and self-worth in others. It is important to create a positive environment for children which emphasizes their strengths and interests. While the severity of each situation may vary, encouraging environments allow for a better understanding of self-worth and exploration that may permit some victims the strength to brush off bully behavior to a certain extent. 

5: Speak Up!

If your child was bullying a classmate, wouldn't you want to know? Children often fear the situation may worsen if they speak up about it. With so many recent cases involving bullying and self-harm/suicide, however, authorities do not take this situation lightly. They are obligated to take action and maintain the safety of the individual being bullied. If you have, for any reason, suspected that there might be a bullying problem, it is important to take immediate action by notifying the parents and teachers involved. Follow these response guidelines if you need further help approaching the situation. 

Be sure to stay educated on this issue! For more tips and information, below are links to powerful anti-bullying movements: 

Stop Bullying
Not In Our School
